Why do I start to write TIL (Today What I Learned)
Natually, I feel the need to customize what I learned a few years ago. I studied not only front-end development, but also other web technology. When I need to code like CSS or I can't remember some kine of code exactly, I can find on my note storage and search with keywords. Day by day, my notes is getting more and more.
Why do I choose Github and Gitbook
I used many note editing service like evernote, simplenote, and the bear app. Occasionally, I moved to another service with any reason, and My last choise is the bear app.
Until May 2018, I arranged all of what I learned on bear app. For over two years, many materials I can see. But documents are only stored on my private storage. I want to publish my record on web. So, I need to find other useful solution. I choose a Gitbook with integrated Github. You can see all of my note on this Wiki.
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